Psychobabel & Skoob Books
A proposito di questo venditore
PsychoBabel and Skoob Books recycle knowledge. We have nearly 65,000 books in our London shop and 94,000 additional books online. Together, we offer a unique, high-quality environment for academic book-buying. Owned and managed by an ex-academic and staffed by experts in a range of fields, we strive to preserve and develop the second-hand bookshop tradition of making available academic texts from all disciplines. What we offer is a carefully selected and prioritised range from our one million plus titles in the Oxfordshire warehouse in the UK.
Catalogo del venditore - 79237 titoli
Libri antichi e moderni
Del Litto, Victor
Stendhal - Balzac: Realisme et Cinema
20,94 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Micha, Alexandre (Ed.)
Les Romans de Chretien de Troyes: II: Cliges
4,40 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Karnein, Alfred
De Amore Deutsch: Der Tractatus Des Andreas Capellanus in Der Ubersetzung Johann Hartliebs, Volume 28
24,25 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
La Vagabonde L'Entrave Dans La Foule (Oeuvres Complètes De Colette De L'Academie Goncourt IV)
27,55 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Brandis, Tilo
Mittelhochdeutsche, Mittelniederdeutsche und Mittelniederlandische Minnereden (Munchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur Deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Volume 25)
13,23 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Suppan, Wolfgang
Musica Humana: Die Anthropologische und Kulturethologische Dimension der Musikwissenschaft
34,72 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Woolf, Virginia
Os Anos
13,78 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 45e Annee, No. 1, Janvier - Mars 1938
7,72 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Bertaux, Andre
Les Cortinaires: Descriptions, Determinations, Classifications
13,23 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Lazzari, Giacomo
Atlante Iconografico, 1981 - 1983
22,05 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
De Miguel, Maurilio
El Enigma Picasso
9,92 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Berkeley, George, Brykman, Genevieve (Ed.)
Oeuvres II
29,21 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)