Psychobabel & Skoob Books
A proposito di questo venditore
PsychoBabel and Skoob Books recycle knowledge. We have nearly 65,000 books in our London shop and 94,000 additional books online. Together, we offer a unique, high-quality environment for academic book-buying. Owned and managed by an ex-academic and staffed by experts in a range of fields, we strive to preserve and develop the second-hand bookshop tradition of making available academic texts from all disciplines. What we offer is a carefully selected and prioritised range from our one million plus titles in the Oxfordshire warehouse in the UK.
Catalogo del venditore - 79242 titoli
Libri antichi e moderni
Starkey, Paul
Animal - Drawn Wheeled Toolcarriers: Perfected Yet Rejected
20,41 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Karstien, C.
Die Reduplizierten Perfekta Des Nord - Und Westgermanischen
44,09 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Schwarz, Ernst
Goten, Nordgermanen, Angelsachsen: Studien Zur Ausgliederung Der Germanischen Sprachen
21,23 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Mihaila, Rodica
Spatii Ale Realului in Proza Americana: Intre Autobiografie si Evanghelia Postmoderna
19,60 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Beyer, Robert T. (Ed.)
Foundations of Nuclear Physics: Facsimilies of Thirteen Fundamental Studies as They Were Originally Reported in the Scientific Journals
25,31 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Foster, B., Fowler, P. H. (Eds.)
40 Years of Particle Physics
31,03 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Ferrell, Robyn
The Weather and Other Gods
31,03 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Robinson, L. G.
A Rural Policy for Huntingdonshire
57,16 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Plamper, Jan
The Stalin Cult: A Study in the Alchemy of Power
72,66 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Turner, Mark
Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science
16,01 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Krishnamurti, J.
Talks By Krishnamurti in India, 1966 (Authentic Report)
13,34 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Krishnamurti, J.
Talks By Krishnamurti in India, 1966 (Authentic Report)
13,34 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)