Psychobabel & Skoob Books
A proposito di questo venditore
PsychoBabel and Skoob Books recycle knowledge. We have nearly 65,000 books in our London shop and 94,000 additional books online. Together, we offer a unique, high-quality environment for academic book-buying. Owned and managed by an ex-academic and staffed by experts in a range of fields, we strive to preserve and develop the second-hand bookshop tradition of making available academic texts from all disciplines. What we offer is a carefully selected and prioritised range from our one million plus titles in the Oxfordshire warehouse in the UK.
Catalogo del venditore - 79237 titoli
Libri antichi e moderni
Moschini, Vittorio
The Galleries Of The Academy Of Venice
11,02 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Hunter, Sams
Toulouse - Lautrec
6,61 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Clutton-Brock, A.F.
Italian Painting
4,40 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Betjeman, John
A Pictorial History of English Architecture
8,49 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Alden, Edward C.
Fifty Water - Colour Drawings of Oxford
18,96 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
The Arts Council Of Britian
7,94 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Unnamed, Unnamed
Die Meisterwerke Der National Gallery Ze London
38,25 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Short, Ernest H
The Painter in History
7,16 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Schefold, Karl
Classical Greece (Art of the World)
20,94 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Di San Lazzaro, G
Painting in France 1895 - 1949
7,72 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Lyn le Grice's Art of Stencilling
18,18 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Swann, Peter C
An Introduction to the Arts of Japan
10,48 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)