Psychobabel & Skoob Books
A proposito di questo venditore
PsychoBabel and Skoob Books recycle knowledge. We have nearly 65,000 books in our London shop and 94,000 additional books online. Together, we offer a unique, high-quality environment for academic book-buying. Owned and managed by an ex-academic and staffed by experts in a range of fields, we strive to preserve and develop the second-hand bookshop tradition of making available academic texts from all disciplines. What we offer is a carefully selected and prioritised range from our one million plus titles in the Oxfordshire warehouse in the UK.
Catalogo del venditore - 79237 titoli
Libri antichi e moderni
Sweet, Fay
Les Meilleures Address La Deco Dans Le Monde
16,54 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Zec, Peter (Ed.)
Grafik - Design, Deutschland '91
12,12 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Orthodontische Studie
Studieweek 1980
26,45 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Orthodontische Studie
Studieweek 1970
26,45 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Szubki, Tadeusza
Metafizyka: W Filozofii Analitycznej
26,45 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Michel, Karl Markus (Hrsg.), Et Al.
Spectaculum: Texte Moderner Horspiele
6,61 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Revista Iidh, Moyer, Charles (Ed.), N., Nicolás Boeglin (Ed.), T., Natalia Dobles (Ed.)
Revista IIDH, 24: Julio - Diciembre 1996 (Instituto Interamericano De Derechos Humanos / Inter - American Institute of Human rights)
11,02 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Paulmann, Johannes
Staat Und Arbeitsmarkt in Grossbrittanien: Krise, Weltkrieg, Wiederaufbau
9,37 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Lobet, Marcel
Le Feu Du Ciel : Introduction a La Litterature Prometheenne
6,61 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Capuana, Luigi
Versi Giovanili
6,61 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Capuana, Luigi, Oliva, Gianni (Ed.)
Ribelli : Dramma Inedito (Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto Di Studi Pirandelliani)
12,12 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)
Libri antichi e moderni
Monglond, Andre
Pelerinages Romantiques
8,82 €
Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Regno Unito)