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Libri antichi e moderni

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, President Of Egypt (1918-1970).

Typed letter signed ("Gamal Nasser").

Cairo, 24. VIII. 1953.,

4500,00 €

Inlibris Antiquariat

(Wien, Austria)

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Nasser, Gamal Abdel, President Of Egypt (1918-1970).
Cairo, 24. VIII. 1953.
Autographs: History


4to. 1 page. To Neel Goldblatt of Goldblatt Brothers Inc. in Chicago: "With pleasure, I received your letter and with pleasure I send you back the stamps with my signature on each although I never think of myself as a great person in this world. The only truth in my person is that I am fighting with all my patriots to live as free people in a free country in the free democratic world. We Egyptians, believe that this [!] a very justified demand. Unfortunately the Britishers do not agree with us and wish we live [!] as slaves under their domination. Our fight, now, is to force the British to understand our case and evacuate the Canal zone and thus gain our freindship [!] instead of our hateree [!]. To realize our aim, we are ready to sacrifice our lives. This is one side of a small picture of myself and you can find, Dear Sir, that there is no greatness in it but there is truth, faith and hope [.]". - Signed as General Secretary on a letterhead printed in Arabic. The addressee was a Polish-American-Jewish collector and member of the Goldblatt family that owned Goldblatt Bros. department stores in the Midwest headquartered in Cicago. A typed English heading states Cairo's "Liberation Rally Republic Square", Tahrir Square, also the center of the demonstrations of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, a critical part of the Arab spring. In upper left corner traces of a staple. - Black and white photography (125:78 mm) added, showing Nasser waving, in the background an enormous crowd of people demonstrating.
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