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Libri antichi e moderni

Evenett (Simon J.) Et Hoekman (Bernard)

THE WTO AND GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT, coll. Critical perspectives on the global trading system and the WTO

Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006

40,00 €

La Memoire du Droit Librairie

(Paris, Francia)

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Anno di pubblicazione
Luogo di stampa
Cheltenham / Northampton
Evenett (Simon J.) Et Hoekman (Bernard)
526 p.
Edward Elgar Publishing
, , , , Droit international, Droit comparé, Discrimination, Droit public des affaires


rel. éd. cartonnée, (coiffes très lég. affaissées, rares soulignures et annotations), bon état malgré les défauts soulignés « This volume is a careful selection of the leading legal and economic papers analysing international discrimination in government purchasing. It also includes the WTO agreement that seeks to curb such discrimination. Studies of individual country experiences are also featured, adding a practical dimension to what often appears to be a narrow technical debate. This authoritative and wide-ranging volume will provide trade negotiators, other government officials including purchasing officers, and scholars with a thorough grounding so as to effectively assess proposals for further international rules on government procurement practices, be they in bilateral, regional, or multilateral arenas. »
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