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Libri antichi e moderni

Wiener Alfred Eugene

Practical Calculation of Dynamo-Electric Machines. A Manual for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and a Text-book for Students of Electrical Engineering. Continuous Current Machinery … Second Edition, revised and enlarged

Electrical World and Engineer, 1902

90,00 €

Mazzei Libreria Antiquaria

(Bagnone, Italia)

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New York
Wiener Alfred Eugene
Electrical World and Engineer
(Fisica - Elettricità - Ingegneria)


In-8° (23,2 x 15,2 cm), pp. (6), XXXVI, 727 [i. e. 743], (1), legatura editoriale, con titoli al dorso e fregi a secco ai piatti. Con 381 figure in bianco e nero nel testo. Il volume contiene alcune pagine il cui numero viene ripetuto accompagnato dalle prime lettere dell'alfabeto, in dettaglio: 52, 52a, 52b, 52c, 52d; 287, 287a, 287b, 287c, 287d; 339, 339a, 339b; 452, 452a, 452b, 452c, 452d; 463, 463a, 463b; il numero totale delle pagine è quindi di 743. Al recto della carta di guardia anteriore, incollato, lungo il dorso, da vecchio proprietario, opuscolo pubblicitario, di 4 pagine, con "A List of Handbooks for Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers, and for Students in Science, Technology, and Art. Published by Whittaker & Co., 2 White Hart St. Paternoster Square, London, E. C., and 66 Fifth Avenue, New York". Piccoli, leggeri segni d'umido al taglio di testa, per il resto, esemplare ben conservato. Contents: List of Symbols. Part I. Physical Principles of Dynamo-Electric Machines. Chapter I. Principles of Current Generation in Armature. Chapter II. The Magnetic Field of Dynamo-Electric Machines. Part II. Calculation of Armature. Chapter III. Fundamental Calculation for Armature Winding. Chapter IV. Dimensions of Armature Core. Chapter V. Final Calculation of Armature Winding. Chapter VI. Energy Losses in Armature. Rise of Armature Temperature. Chapter VII. Mechanical Effects of Armature Winding. Chapter VIII. Armature Winding of Dynamo-Electric Machines. Chapter IX. Dimensioning of Commutators, Brushes, and Current-conveying Parts of Dynamo. Chapter X. Mechanical Calculations about Armature. Part III. Calculation of Magnetic Flux. Chapter XI. Useful and Total Magnetic Flux. Chapter XII. Calculation of Leakage Factor, from Dimensions of Machine. Chapter XIII. Calculation of Leakage Factor, from Machine Test. Part IV. Dimensions of Field-Magnet Frame. Chapter XIV. Forms of Field-Magnet Frames. Chapter XV. General Construction Rules. Chapter XVI. Calculation of Field-Magnet Frame. Part V. Calculation of Magnetizing Force. Chapter XVII. Theory of the Magnetic Circuit. Chapter XVIII. Magnetizing Forces. Part VI. Calculation of Magnet Winding. Chapter XIX. Coil Winding Calculations. Chapter XX. Series Winding. Chapter XXI. Shunt Winding. Chapter XXII. Compound Winding. Part VII. Efficiency of Generators and Motors; Designing of a Number of Dynamos of Same Type; Calculation of Electric Motors, Unipolar Dynamos, Motor-Generators, etc.; and Dynamo-Graphics. Chapter XXIII. Efficiency of Generators and Motors. Chapter XXIV. Designing of a Number of Dynamos of Same Type. Chapter XXV. Calculation of Electric Motors. Chapter XXVI. Calculation of Unipolar Dynamos. Chapter XXVII. Calculation of Dynamotors; Generators for Special Purposes, etc. Chapter XXVIII. Dynamo Graphics. Part VIII. Practical Examples of Dynamo Calculation. Chapter XXIX. Examples of Calculations for Electric Generators. Chapter XXX. Examples of Leakage Calculations, Electric Motor Design, etc. Appendix I. Tables of Dimensions of Modern Dynamos. Appendix II. Wire Tables and Winding Data. Appendix III. Localization and Remedy of Troubles in Dynamos and Motors in Operation. Index. Titolo completo: Practical Calculation of Dynamo-Electric Machines. A Manual for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and a Text-book for Students of Electrical Engineering. Continuous Current Machinery. By Alfred E. Wiener, E. E., M. E., M. A. I. E. E. Second Edition, revised and enlarged
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