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Libri antichi e moderni

Napoléon I, Emperor Of The French (1769-1821).

Draft for a letter with several autograph corrections.

Paris, 20 ventôse 13 (March 11, 1805).,

10000,00 €

Inlibris Antiquariat

(Wien, Austria)

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Napoléon I, Emperor Of The French (1769-1821).
Paris, 20 ventôse 13 (March 11, 1805).
Autographs: History


4to. ½ p. Rare draft for a letter to his Minister of Finances, Charles Gaudin (1756-1841), asking for more information about aid to the veterans of Piedmont as they would soon be his subjects in the newly created Kingdom of Italy: "Monsieur Gaudin, je vous renvoie vos états sur les biens des camps de vétérans en Piémont. Je désire que vous me fassiez un rapport d'une page, qui me fasse connaitre 'la loi a affecté' la quotité des biens que la loi a affectés aux camps de vétérans dans la 27è division militaire, combien il y en a déjà de désignées pour ce service et ce qu'il y manque" [Mister Gaudin, I return your budget of the assets of the veterans' camps in Piedmont to you. I want you to compile a one page report for me that informs me 'the law has affected' the share of the assets that the law has affected in the veterans' camps of the 27th military division, how many have already been appointed for this service and what it lacks"]. - Because of the many corrections the letter was never signed or sent. Every line has been partly crossed out or modified by the Emperor. - Napoleon's coronation as Emperor of the French had only taken place three months prior at which occasion the deputies of the Italian Republic officially offered the crown of Italy to him. On March 17, 1805 the political transformation of the Italian Republic to the Kingdom of Italy (1805-1814) was put into effect. The letter to Charles Gaudin relates to this process as Napoleon wanted to be fully informed about the financial obligations to the veterans of Piedmont, his new subjects.
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