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Libri antichi e moderni

The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing.

A standard and complete Guide to the Technique of modern Hairdressing, Manicure, Massage and Beauty Culture.

Edited by Gilbert A. Foan. A new edition edited by N.E.B. - Wolters. With four 4-colour plates and over 550 illustrations in - the text. The New Era Publications, London, 1950.,

130,00 €

Calabro' Studio Bibliografico


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The Art And Craft Of Hairdressing.
Edited by Gilbert A. Foan. A new edition edited by N.E.B., Wolters. With four 4-colour plates and over 550 illustrations in, the text. The New Era Publications, London, 1950.
(acconciatura e trucco).


In 4°, mz. pl. post., tit. in oro con nerv. al d., pp. XXII-663 con 4 tavv. col. f.t. e 557 figg. anche p.p. n.t. per illustrare il testo relativo alle acconciature, anche storiche, maschili e femminili, "postiche", tricologia, erbari, trucco teatrale, ecc.
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